3D ultrasonic sensors startup raises new round of funding

3D ultrasonic sensors startup raises new round of funding

Business news |
By Julien Happich

The additional investment will be used to enhance Toposens’ 3D echolocation sensor technology and software for automobile, robotics, and autonomous vehicles. The money will also help the company develop new partnerships and launch new use cases based on its 3D ultrasonic sensors.

The company was founded in 2015, disclosing an advanced and lightweight ultrasonic sensor prototype with 3D capabilities. In addition to calculating the distance to an object similar to a regular ultrasonic sensor, the technology can also be used to calculate the horizontal and vertical position of multiple objects relative to the sensor itself. Toposens’ sensors can then localize these objects in three-dimensional space – similar to the techniques used by bats.

In 2018, the startup developed an industrialized evaluation version of its ultrasonic sensors, “TS Alpha”, measuring just 60x30x12mm and weighing approximately 20g. The sensor has an opening angle up to 180° (omnidirectional) in close range and can see objects up to 4m away, capturing their relative location with an average frame rate of 30Hz at an accuracy up to about 2cm.

Toposens says its sensors have been sold to more than 100 customers globally across multiple industries, validating the market’s interest in identifying novel ways of performing close-range 3D perception. At the end of 2019, the company extended its portfolio through a new ultrasonic, beacon-based 3D Tracking System able to provide X, Y and Z coordinates using a single emitter and receiver couple.

The startup works with well-known partners like Infineon and Murata and has implemented and tested the technology in various automotive, robotics and industrial projects with customers like BMW, Continental, and Daimler. It is now focusing on mass market industrialization and the development of scalable product use cases.

Toposens –

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