“Honey, I’m so proud of you. What is our Amazon Prime password?”

“You’re about to begin the biggest adventure of your life. If there’s ever a rotting smell emanating from your room, where, most likely, can I locate the lost food?”

“I think you learned some great lessons from that summer job. Is HBO Go the same as HBO Now?”

“And I see a real change in your work ethic. What does it mean when it says ‘link in bio’?”

“It’s all about leaning into the discomfort — that’s where growth happens. What’s the difference between Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande? Same question, but Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth?”

“Don’t worry about perfection. Like Leonard Cohen said, ‘there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.’ If I can’t find the smaller TV remote, what is the workaround?”

“If you get lonely, remember that feelings aren’t facts. Do you still keep your weed in that little tin mailbox from your grandma?”

“Seek out mentors! Did you make that Lizzo playlist available to me on Spotify? What is our Spotify password?”

“Don’t feel like you need to call home — this time is about you. What percentage of your belongings feels fair for me to purge?”

“I know you’ll be brave and open, but also take care of your body — easy on the alcohol, and please eat something green with every meal. Are any of your sneakers worth something on eBay?”

“Seek out mentors! Would you rather I turn your room into an office or a potting shed?”

“Can’t wait to have you back in December, kiddo. Does Netflix have 30 Rock, or is it Hulu? What is our Hulu password?”

“You’re my hero!”