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Finch Therapeutics is a mission-driven microbiome engineering company, is developing novel microbial therapies to serve patients with serious and unmet medical needs.

The company uses machine learning algorithms to reverse engineer successful fecal transplantations and other clinical datasets, identifying the microbes that drive responses in

patients. This human-centric discovery model leverages clinical data to focus on in-vitro and in-vivo efforts on cocktails of microbes that have already demonstrated safety and efficacy in humans. This enables early retirement of translational risk and avoids the challenges of extrapolating host-specific effects from animal models.

Finch Therapeutics was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Somerville, Massachusetts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Finch Therapeutics's headquarters? Finch Therapeutics is located in Somerville, Massachusetts, United States.Who invested in Finch Therapeutics? Finch Therapeutics has 16 investors including Symbiosis Group and Willett Advisors LLC.How much funding has Finch Therapeutics raised to date? Finch Therapeutics has raised .When was the last funding round for Finch Therapeutics? Finch Therapeutics closed its last funding round on Sep 17, 2020 from a Series D round.Who are Finch Therapeutics's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Finch Therapeutics may include Nutcracker TherapeuticsEncoded Therapeutics, and Aclaris Therapeutics.